Monday, August 27, 2007

Hello Buffalo Joe......Sloppy Joe!

Whilst I washeth my bi-cycle clothing in prep for tomorrow nights ride, I threw something new together tonight. Started with ground buffalo and a cAn of MANWICH Sloppy Joe sauce. I decided to add an eNtIrE pack of 3-grain Tempe and two whole Roma tomatoes. "I chop dem suckas up!" I threw in some garlic salt and let the juice from the tomatoes cook off. :: Click on the pictures. ::

I added a half eaten 1 and 3/4 ounce bag of Doritos (from Saturday's lunch stop at Subway) and a glass of freshly poured cranberry juice. Ah, can't forget le Bed of spYnAch. All served on a Wheat Honey bread. Then, I had another Buffalo Tempe Joe on a sesame bagel (initially from Saturday's race recovery food bag). I have enough left over Joe for two lunches.

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